The Cherry Pit Presents: Bible Study at Berlin

The Cherry Pit presents an open jam for musicians and music lovers in the Twin Cities. It’s a social hub for Twin Cities creatives, a training ground to refine musicianship, and a vehicle for high-vibrational improvisation. This is not a free-form basement jam or strictly a jazz jam. Our goal is to find an equilibrium between freedom/fun and excellence. Even if you don’t play an instrument, stop by to experience the warmth and wonder of the show; you never know who might take the stage.

Why “𝔅𝔦𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔡𝔶”? Are we studying holy scripture at the jazz club? … No! Bible Study takes place on Wednesday nights, just like Bible study at church. We are honing our skills and knowledge, gathering with spiritual intent, so we can shred on the weekends in service to a higher power! Whatever that means to you.

Blue Fox Foundation is proud to make this programming possible.

The jam occurs most Wednesdays, but please check Berlin’s calendar for daily details, as there are exceptions.